Monday 18 January 2016

Story Board ...


  1. Research and Planning // Level 4 (AO2/3/4) - comprehensive application of storyboard codes and conventions with an effective use of StoryboardThat programme in order to use storyboards in a digital form. There is a connection between shots/codes/lyrics all present. An explanation of the roles within group work is detailed and present.

    EBI - varying shot types at certain points where it becomes a long shot/long task over several storyboards.

  2. Research and Planning - Level 4 (AO2/3/4)
    Standard = 19 marks.

    - Complete and detailed.
    - Excellent research into similar products/target audience, shot lists, layouts, drafting, scripting or storyboarding, organisation of actors, locations, costume and props, time management, use of digital technology or ICT in presentation, communication skills and level of care in the presentation of research and planning.
